Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions and Study English Abroad

Each year we make New Year’s Resolutions but how often do we actually stick to them? I’d like to lose weight, quit smoking, be more active… Instead of millions of ideas choose a handful and commit to them.
Is learning English abroad among your goals? Make it your priority to find a way to do it! Here are a few tips on how to keep yourself motivated and stick to your New Year’s Resolutions:
1. Think About Your End Goal
Always keep your eyes on the prize. Why do you want to achieve your goal and what is it that it’s going to give to you? Think about it and visualise a reality in which you’ve already reached your objective to keep yourself motivated.
The only way to get to where you want to be is to work daily on achieving your goal. For instance, don’t just dream about studying English abroad. Start researching your options to see where to learn English today!
2. Plan How to Accomplish Your Mission
Even the biggest dream won’t come true unless you put work into it. Make a proper plan on how to get what you want as soon as possible. What do you need to achieve your goal? If there are any things that you still need, other than your own strong will, what are they?
For instance, if you want to learn English in an English speaking country but you lack money, start budgeting better. Perhaps you need to tighten your belt but what do you want more: an unforgettable language stay abroad or a new dress?

3. Don’t Tell Others About Your Plans
Many articles about New Year’s Resolutions will tell you to do exactly the opposite so you’re probably surprised with this point.
Telling people about what you want to do has many benefits. After all, when you commit publicly, you feel more inclined to do what you’ve promised to do… It’s true, however, as it turns out your body sends a message of completion to your brain whenever you tell others your goals almost as if you’ve already met them. This, of course, makes you less motivated towards putting in the hard work.
4. Don’t Give Up
Achieving your goals isn’t always easy. Sometimes you may need to postpone your plans or tweak them. If your method isn’t working there’s no point in continuing on using it.
Remember that changing your course of action isn’t a failure and that it’s different to entirely abandoning your goals. Don’t give up just because something doesn’t go exactly how you’ve expected. For example, if you haven’t managed to get your passport in time to study English abroad in the first half of the year simply postpone your trip by a month or two.

5. Believe That Your Dream Can Come True
Believing won’t make your dream come true and won’t land you this language course in Fort Lauderdale you’ve been fantasising about for a while now. Nevertheless, trusting that you can get what you want is important, especially in a moment of weakness. You’re the person who needs to give yourself the strength to keep going. Is your goal really impossible to achieve or are you just a bit under the weather today?
The beginning of a New Year is a perfect moment to think about what you’ve achieved in the previous year and what you’d like to do in 2019.
Analyse your goals from last year. Think why you failed to achieve them and what you can do better this time. Whatever it is that you want, we hope you’re going to get it. We also hope to see you at one of our schools soon!
Happy New Year from the LAL team!
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