The Cambridge B2 First Exam has been designed to test all areas of your English language abilities. The exam tests four facets of language proficiency: writing, reading, speaking and listening. If it is your goal to study or work internationally, preparing for and passing this examination is a massive investment for your future. Today we’ll be discussing all the benefits of Cambridge Exam...
If you don’t know already, learning English with LAL Schools is all about real travel, real experiences and real life. We want you to be able to speak English in the world around you, and not just to pass a test or ask for the bill at a restaurant. Our school is based in the heart of South Africa’s Mother City, named one of the best travel destinations in the world every single year. Read on...
Why should you live an adventure abroad while learning English? There are many reasons for it! We think that three good ones is enough to convince you.
Are you wondering whether studying English abroad is better than learning the language in your home country? Look no more, you’ll find the answer in this article.
You’d like to study abroad but you’re not really sure that it’s the right thing to do for you. Read our list of 10 reasons why you should study abroad and let us convince you!
Each year we make New Year’s Resolutions but how often do we actually stick to them? I’d like to lose weight, quit smoking, be more active… Instead of millions of ideas choose a handful and commit to them. Is learning English abroad among your goals? Make it your priority to find a way to do it! Here are a few tips on how to keep yourself motivated and stick to your New...